Sunday, February 15, 2009

Flu Season

Well, we've had a few illnesses over the past month, but nothing compares to the past week. Our home has been hit by the flu. All 3 kids, and myself, have fallen victim. For some reason, thankfully, hubby has remained healthy. We're on the mend now, and can't wait to get out and about again. I'm guessing we'll be able to go out by the middle of the week.

Favorite kid flu comments:

"This eye (points to left eye) is stuck closed (squinting) because it didn't get enough sleep yet."

"Mom, my snot veins are all full."

"Mom, my head is full of boogers!"

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I'm a terrible blogger!

Catching up is insane, so I'm going to have to try and post weekly or something along those lines. Going back as far as Thanksgiving... My FIL was hospitalized for diverticulitis, then a week in SA for Thanksgiving, followed by colds. We then packed up and visited my family in KS for two weeks during Christmas and New Year, then we were busy catching up, repeated neck spasms sent me to PT. And, for the last 2 weeks, my kiddos have been passing a cold around. Hubby spent a few days in SA for his Dad's surgery. And the J-man has developed an ear infection that caused a ruptured eardrum! Thankfully, my baby-A is still sleeping this morning, which has allowed some time to post this. More to come... I'm needing to post some pics from Christmas!

Friday, December 19, 2008

J's new jokes...

My 3yo with his newfound sense of humor...

J: Bye Bye, Mom! I'm going to go in yours ear!
Mom: Bye Bye, Joey! I'm going to go in your toe!
J: Bye Bye, Mom! I'm going to go in yours eyeball!
Mom: Haha! You're funny, Joey!

J: Knock, Knock...
Mom: Who's there?
J: Come in! (in a croaky frog voice)

The boy makes me laugh!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Little D's Fifth Birthday!

Baby A's First Birthday!

Ok, I know I'm late posting this...

So, we've had a crazy summer. Poor little D was hospitalized with bilateral nephritis (kidney infection) just days before her 5th birthday. She did get to go home about 36 hrs before her big day. But, we were left with little time to plan a party. So, all three kiddos had simple family parties this year. About 3 weeks after her hospital stay, little D went in for surgery to correct the bladder defect causing the infection. We won't know for a while whether it was successful. She was so brave through the whole ordeal. I'm so proud of her. Anyway, the next few posts are pics from the kiddo's birthdays this summer.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

D and her bed head

I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long. We've been crazy busy over the past few months! I'm doing a little catch-up, but I'm sure to miss a lot!

Miss D, last weekend, lumbered down the stairs after sleeping in on Saturday morning. She quite dramatically walked up to my darling hubby and frumped, "Dad, my hair just died last night... It didn't get a bird nest, It Just Died!" She did have a mad case of bed head. I feel her pain nearly every morning.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

D is Back to School!

This morning I arose to the sounds of Baby A, up and ready for her morning feeding. Groggy, I stumbled into the living room on my way to the nursery. There was D, at the crack of dawn, sitting on the couch putting on her shoes. "Hi Mom! I'm getting ready for school!" She usually comes and wakes darling and myself before she does anything else, and usually has to be prodded into her clothes. She's been so excited to go back after the break! I'm not sure, but I don't think she slept last night!

J's Shoe Addiction

Ok, we all know that 2yo's can be particular, but I've NEVER seen a little boy so concerned with his clothes. He HATES to wear white shirts, even ones with dinosaurs! His favorite colors are orange and green, but I can get him in blue on occasion. And, He absolutely refuses to wear his Batman PJ's (cape included) that his Daddy bought for him. I've concluded that he thinks we're calling them Bad-man PJ's. Not sure, but he freaks out at the sight of them. I do remember a phase like this with our daughter, D, I guess I just didn't expect it with a boy.

Seven Months and all Cheer!

Baby A is 7 1/2 months old now. For the past two months, she's been calling my darling and I by the same name, DaDa. Yesterday, she learned two new tricks. Every baby loves to play peek-a-boo, but she's heard it so much that she's actually saying something that sounds like peek-a-boo when we're playing the game now. She giggles, then exclaims "eek-y-doo!" in her cute little tiny girl voice. She also, when held up on her feet, started telling us "did it!" or something that sounds like it. I remember D and J's first words coming around this age, but Baby A just seems so young to start this! None-the-less, I love it!

Monday, January 7, 2008

My Baby A

My Little Dreamer

Our Cousin, Baby A!

J Helps with the Tree Clean-Up

We love Grandma!

PaPop with Baby A at the park!

We Love Uncle S


This evening we're all hanging out playing on the floor after dinner. Baby A, with her newfound talent (crawling) made her way over to 4 1/2yo D. I wasn't looking at them, so I didn't see exactly what happened, but this was the conversation.

D: Ah! A's digging my kidneys!
Me: What?
D: She's digging my Kidneys! My KIDNEYS!
Me: D, can you show me where your kidneys are?
D: Right here! (She points to her knees. Get it?)

It dawned on me that earlier my darling hubby was playing with little J. J was climbing darling's back, when darling exclaimed "Easy on the kidneys!" I'm certain that this exchange was overheard.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Beloved Aunt J

Down came the tree

During the break, my family was here visiting. We bought our house just over a year ago, knowing that we had tons of work to do in the back yard. There is a lot of scrub to clear and this one dead tree that needed to come down. PaPop, having plenty of experience in the tree felling business, agreed to help take out the monster. This also allowed him the opportunity to pick up a VERY manly chain saw we found on craigslist!

Funny baby face

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

On Tissues...

So, with the changing weather comes the inevitable and annual winter cold and/or twenty-four hour stomach virus. You may recognize this cold as it passes around each home several times before afflicting the neighbors or playmates. When the playmates are finished with it, they are usually kind enough to give it back! This has been our lives for the past three weeks. So, young J has become acquainted with the use of Kleenex tissues. Except, in the mind of a two-year-old, a Kleenex is a novelty, an item to give one the feeling of having improved their condition. He would, in a sense, be correct. However, one toddler sneeze hardly warrants the twenty-one tissue salute, as he would recommend. Baby A, on the other hand, can literally require an entire box after only one belch!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Time to Feed the Dog

Every afternoon, the children take turns with the dog feeding chores. This was two year old, J's, turn. The process began normally, with me trying to help, and J bellowing, "MY DO IT!" So, "my" let him do it with some supervision. Please realize that J likes to use a 1/4 cup scoop, when the dog requires two cups of food. "This could take a while," I think, "I'll just go change A's diaper real quick while he's busy." Upon my expedient, though not expedient enough, return, I discover a trail of dog food across the kitchen floor, leading to the dog food mountain! I just had to take a picture.

J, Lizard, Popper Toy!

So, my little brother, Uncle D (for our purposes), was kind enough to give my 2yo, J, this popper toy last Christmas. This toy has accounted for many hours of endless fun! In fact, with some ear plugs, this is the greatest toy ever! But, in the hands of my 2yo, J, this toy becomes even more interesting. Is there any other way to get a ball to pop out without using the built- in fan? J has been experimenting with this very thought! Usually, the tube is filled with little wooden blocks, or big sister's necklaces, but not this time! This time, J's favorite rubber lizard has gone in after the ball! J brings the toy to me exclaiming "It's broken!" in the most shocked voice he has! Everything is a surprise when you're two!

Pink Kitty!

Here's baby A at D's soccer game! She loves to watch big sister run around on the field! She sits in the stroller kicking her legs as if to run with big sister, D. D loves to come kiss baby A during the breaks in her games!

Soccer Girl

D at her soccer game! This was the first game she finally started to really get into the whole soccer thing. She's wanted to play soccer for a while, but didn't realize what it was all about until just recently. She loves to play with her teammates! On a side note, notice teammate, G, with his spidey gloves. He even had to wear them in the team picture! Hilarious!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Boy With The Bubbles

J's new favorite invention, Bubble Bath! He's nuts for bubbles. When trying to complete a meal, I sit the boy on the counter and hand him his mini bubble wand. He can sit quietly for an hour just blowing away. This photo was taken on the way to the bubble bath on J's birthday.

The Baby Who Won't NAP!

My darling A has decided that naps aren't necessary. She's but six months and has napped a total of one hour in the past forty-eight. I know the child is sleepy, as the above photo is a common occurrence. She slept great last night, but is becoming more and more restless. The other two children went through something similar around this age. Perhaps this is teething, or newfound awareness. I am hoping this phase passes soon, as am beginning to go a little bonkers with the three babies awake and each needing Mommy! Long being the operative term.

Is It Winter, Mom?

There is little more endearing than four year old, D, asking about the seasons. She recalls sliding down the sledding hill at the nearby park when we lived in Wisconsin. That was nearly two years ago. We're now in TX, and she's been asking for two years, "Is it winter, yet?"

"When the snow falls, we'll go ride on the sled!" She is so excited! I try to explain that winter does come here, but snow is not likely. Perhaps an ice storm once every five years, but rarely snow. She wears her thick tights in the eighty degree weather here, refusing to take them off. And a sweater adorns every outfit! It's adorable that she remembers. Perhaps a trip north is in our near future.
