Sunday, February 15, 2009

Flu Season

Well, we've had a few illnesses over the past month, but nothing compares to the past week. Our home has been hit by the flu. All 3 kids, and myself, have fallen victim. For some reason, thankfully, hubby has remained healthy. We're on the mend now, and can't wait to get out and about again. I'm guessing we'll be able to go out by the middle of the week.

Favorite kid flu comments:

"This eye (points to left eye) is stuck closed (squinting) because it didn't get enough sleep yet."

"Mom, my snot veins are all full."

"Mom, my head is full of boogers!"

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I'm a terrible blogger!

Catching up is insane, so I'm going to have to try and post weekly or something along those lines. Going back as far as Thanksgiving... My FIL was hospitalized for diverticulitis, then a week in SA for Thanksgiving, followed by colds. We then packed up and visited my family in KS for two weeks during Christmas and New Year, then we were busy catching up, repeated neck spasms sent me to PT. And, for the last 2 weeks, my kiddos have been passing a cold around. Hubby spent a few days in SA for his Dad's surgery. And the J-man has developed an ear infection that caused a ruptured eardrum! Thankfully, my baby-A is still sleeping this morning, which has allowed some time to post this. More to come... I'm needing to post some pics from Christmas!