Tuesday, December 18, 2007

On Tissues...

So, with the changing weather comes the inevitable and annual winter cold and/or twenty-four hour stomach virus. You may recognize this cold as it passes around each home several times before afflicting the neighbors or playmates. When the playmates are finished with it, they are usually kind enough to give it back! This has been our lives for the past three weeks. So, young J has become acquainted with the use of Kleenex tissues. Except, in the mind of a two-year-old, a Kleenex is a novelty, an item to give one the feeling of having improved their condition. He would, in a sense, be correct. However, one toddler sneeze hardly warrants the twenty-one tissue salute, as he would recommend. Baby A, on the other hand, can literally require an entire box after only one belch!

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